Monday, March 24, 2008

Maybe they didn't like his green uniform?

So, for those of you that were at the game or watched it online on Saturday you witnessed one of the reasons why some of my none footie friends tease me for being a soccer fan. This is the sport that was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, right?

I'm quite glad my son wasn't at the game with us. You see, he's at the age where he likes to repeat things that he sees and hears. We're on full radio alert in the car, making sure we sing over the top of the words that 5 year olds probably shouldn't hear, explaining that no, that man on t.v. was trying to wave "hi" to the other man and he accidentally hit him, etc... Seeing soccer players attack the Lucky Charm leprechaun would probably have made a lasting impression on him.

During my soccer career I've had the opportunity to witness varying degrees of officiating. I've seen some very good referees and some really, really, really bad ones. I actually got a red card in a game for backheeling a ball between a players legs - all because I made sure not to slide tackle and risk getting a penalty kick called against me (I'd seen this referee before, and he was notorious for trying to steal the spotlight).... Yet, I never had the urge to hit him. I called him all sorts of versions of "moron", but hit him? Are you kidding? My point here is that, yes, the referee on Saturday was TERRIBLE - but worthy of assault and battery?

I know this post doesn't really have much to do with Juan garnering MVP votes (hey, it's still pre-season), but I've got a laptop and I know how to use it!

I'll put the soap box away, but just couldn't resist the chance to comment on that incredibly bizarre scenario on Saturday.

See you this weekend! Let the games begin!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you watch toja this season