Monday, March 10, 2008

Shaking off the rust....

Ahhh, spring time. My son's U5 city league team started their season a few weeks back (Go Pirates!), FCD is down in Brazil, and my Over 30 team can't get a game in to save our lives (See related 3rd degree post by Peter Welpton, here:

Man I could use a trip to the beach......

The best part of spring, of course, is the return of the MLS season. The European leagues are in their final stretches (for the most part), just when we get started. Perfect timing. With the return of said MLS season comes my continued quest to get some MVP love for our man Juan. Or at least a chance for me to stream about whatever is on my soccer mind at the moment.

Looking forward to another season? Good - me too. And I'm also looking forward to some pre/post game libations at the new Irish pub ---- good times!

See you Saturday!

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