Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My open letter to Mark Cuban

So I figured if anyone in this city had any ideas on how to convince folks to vote for his favorite player, it would be Mark Cuban. I posted the following comment on his website, Hopefully he's got some good advice. Or will at least advertise my blog! (by the way - check out his site. He's got quite a wide range of discussion topics posted, ranging from cell phone problems (funny), NBA officiating (no way!) and hedge fund investments)

Hi Mark! Hope all is well.
Hey - I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with a small project.
I am looking for a little friendly advice on getting voters to select your guy as a league MVP. You did quite a bit for Dirk this season to help get him the national recognition that he deserved. I'm hoping to take on the same type of project, but on a smaller scale (I can't afford to buy 5,000 shirts that say "Toja for MVP" and hand them out to people).
Here's the scoop: I'm a fan of the FC Dallas soccer team. They're up in Frisco - great team, good guys, nice stadium - you should check them out some night. I'm in section 104, row 11 - stop by and I'll buy you a beer.
Anyway, I digress.
They have this player, Juan Toja, who is awesome. He's in his first season here and he's made a huge impression on the fans by giving 100% night in and night out. Check out for a rundown and a good photo of the guy. Want a brief highlight reel?
I want Juan to get the recognition he deserves - and the votes for the MVP award. You were pretty succesful in helping to get Dirk recognized as a legitimate MVP candidate. Got any ideas that I can use?
I'll take any advice you can give me. Feel free to email me or post a comment on the blog:
Thanks for your time! Go Mavs!
p.s. I may ask you for some ideas on how to address league officiating issues. If you've read any of the recent recaps for the FC Dallas games you may have seen one or two make mention of bad officiating. You've got some experience in that arena too, yes?


Anonymous said...

You should sell "Toja 4 MVP" shirts on this site:
I would buy one!

Need to work on that header image too! hehe

Anonymous said...

Collect the addresses for the media around the country who vote.

Post their contact info and encourage folks to send well thought out posts explaining why Toja is the MVP from their point of view.