Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tshirts and bad graphics

So I have a couple of ideas for t-shirts that we can print up and sell (by the way - thanks for suggesting that site - that place is pretty cool).

One small problem - copyright laws. Turns out you can't use someone's name on printed material (shirts) without their consent...... So maybe printing "Juan" is generic enough to skirt the copyright laws, but I really don't feel like getting any sort of reprimands from the league and/or their attorneys - I'm asking for permission. If I don't get the approval to use his name we'll just have to get creative :)

Yes - I realize that the graphics on the blog are rather sorry... same problem as above. The only pictures I have of Toja are from the MLS website or 3rddegree, all copyrighted (copywritten?).... I've emailed a couple of the guys at 3rddegree to see if i can borrow some of their photos, but haven't had any response yet. I'll see if I can get a few pictures of him at the next game (I forgot my camera for the game tonight against the Rabids (that's not a typo)).

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