Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm kind of a big deal in Europe....

As the Toja drama has unfolded, I was contacted by one of the Steaua supporters/amateur journalist (kind of like me, only much more dedicated). You can see some of her posts on this site here (asking about Toja).

We talked a bit through email and she asked me some questions about Toja, which she posted on her site, which then was picked up by a larger site (in Romania). I'll find the atual posts and will put the link, or at least the content, on here once I find it (the translations back to English are quite funny).

Here are her questions and, more importantly (of course), my responses.

1. Chris, at first tell me what do yo know about Romania.
I do not know much about Romania. I know it is a fairly large country in eastern Europe that used to be part of the "eastern block" of communist countries. I think you are located on the Black Sea? I'm sorry - it has been a long time since I took world geography or world history! I have been out of school for a while!

2. Have you heard until now about the romanian league?
I have heard of the Romanian football league, but the only team I really know by name is your club, Steaua Bucharest (in English we call it "Star" Bucharest). I don't know about any players that are in your league - but I have a tough time keeping up with European football, so I really only am able to keep up with most of the "stars" in Europe to know where they play (Thierry Henry is my favorite player, for example, and I know he plays at FC Barcelona - at least for now!)

3. Do ypu know something about Steaua?
I know that Steaua makes it to the Champion's League and other tournaments occasionally - but until this talk with Toja I did not know much else about the team. If Toja signs I will become a VERY big supporter of Steaua!

4. How`s about Toja. What can you tell me about him?
Toja seems like a VERY nice man. I have met him a few time at fan functions after the FC Dallas games. He is always willing to take a photo or have a chat with you. I have heard from other people that he likes to go out at night to visit some of our night clubs and bars, but he's young, so who can blame him? And the places he has been seen are very nice places so he is not out at any crazy locations doing stupid things. When he arrived he only spoke spanish, but he very quickly tried to learn english so he could fit in with his teammates (although many speak spanish), as well as being able to fit in with the fans.

5. Few days ago here was a rumor that Toja have problems with marijuana. Is it real?
Who can say? I have not heard that rumor - but to be honest, it would not surprise me. Many people his age try marijuana. I don't know enough about him to say that "yes, he would do it", or "no he would not." I would hope that he does not do it though.

6. What Toja means for your team?
Toja is the heart of this team. He is not necessarily the leader, but the team revolves around him. If he plays well, the team plays well. If he has a bad game, it usually reflects in the rest of the team. This season we changed our formation - it all revolved around Toja. He did not play well at the beginning and we suffered because of it. If he does leave it will be a HUGE loss for our team. He is well loved by the players, i think, and is CERTAINLY a favorite of the fans. Last season they had "Toja Wig Night", where they handed out fake "Toja Wigs" that looked like his hair - he wears his hair long, which most people here do not. It was a very fun event and Toja seemed to have a good time with it. I even have my picture with him while I am wearing the wig! I will try to find that and will send it to you.

7. What do you advice Toja about a transfer at Steaua?
To Toja: Play hard - the way you are capable of playing. Stay fit, and stay healthy - these seem to have kept you back this year. The people like the way you play because you are smart, skillful, and creative, and also you try very hard to defend. I saw you many times break up a play in the defensive side, and go all the way down, creating opportunities at the other end, in the same play. Do that, and you will continue to do well. Oh, also - practice with your right foot! Your left is good, but your right... just keep practicing :)

8. Do you think that his coming at Steaua will be good for his future?
I think so, if he is able to get time with the first team. If he is sitting on the bench then he would be better off back over here where he is playing and getting better. But if he plays with the first team, and has a chance to play in some of the large tournaments, or win a championship in Romania with Steaua, then yes, of course it will be good for his future. Other clubs in other leagues will see him and will want him. He is a quality player, capable of playing in ANY of the best leagues in Europe - Spain, England, Italy, Germany. But if he goes to Steaua and does not play - then no, this is not the right move.


Anonymous said...

Hey! So it was YOU who she interviewed! I hadn't checked your site in a while, and then I was reading the GooglEnglish version of her interview and didn't realize that it was you!

Anyway, what do you think, now that Juan is gone and now that he made his Steaua club debut in a HUGE game (Champions League Qualifier! :O ) after training with his team, like . . . maybe 5 times? From what I can tell, he played technically but was not on the same page as his teammates and was a bit hesitant/slow in letting the ball go. Dang, who can blame him? No pressure playing in front of a sold-out stadium with a hostile crowd in Istanbul! The coach and his teammates seem to recognize that the talent/technical skill is there, but that he needs to time to mesh with the team . . . DUH!

Anyway, he's definitely put himself on the "hot seat." I really hope he can do this. It would be soooooo coooool for him to become an important part of this team, along with his Colombian friends.

And, if he can't, for whatever reason . . . at least he dared to take the risk. We'll never know what was was REALLY going on in the locker room this season or why he was so off for the May-June stretch (I think Hyndman was good for him and that he was really starting to perform for him). But I firmly believe that this IS his dream, regardless, and he had to follow it -- and would have wanted to go, even if this had been a fantastic season for him.

Anyway . . . cool that you got interviewed!

Oh, and I made a Youtube video. My way of coping with his departure and saying goodbye. I've had over 1000 hits! :O


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