Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Campaign officially underway....

Well, this should be interesting. I'm not even sure I know how to blog. Wait, I'm doing that now. Okay, so this isn't so hard.

What's the blog for? To raise awareness for the greatness that is Juan Carlos Toja!!! Hmm - quite an undertaking. I'm not even sure who votes for the MVP. I'll figure that out later - details, details...

Much in the same way that Mark Cuban succesfully lobbied for his favorite German, I intend to campaign for the Colombian maestro we FC Dallas fans have come to love - Juan Toja. Or as I heard him called at the park tonight, Juan Bon Jovi. I don't have Cuban's cash, however, so I'll be taking more of a grass roots approach.

Got any "I remember when Toja ______ (fill in the blank with something pretty amazing - shouldn't be hard)" moments? Send them to me. We'll use this as evidence to the league, or these mystery voters that I must track down, to convince them that Toja is clearly the league choice for MVP.

Oh - and if anyone knows who votes for the MVP, I'll take that info too :)

Here we go!